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Alternative Processes
I have an enduring fondness for antiquarian processes. From Talbot's prehistory shadow pictures, the wet plate collodion process, and direct application of arcane chemistry to negatives, I continue to enjoy investigating early photographic processes.

Raven on Table-2011

Masked Couple-2011

5 Birds -2011

Shipwreck -2011

Hawk in Chair-2011

Rabbit in Crosshair-2011

Walking Raven #2-2011

Star Cape-2011

Black Bird Profile-2011

Blue Heron 2002

Flying Squirrel 2002

Plant Specimen #4,+2002

Crossed Fingers 2002

Dainty Wasp 2002

Night Blooming Cereus #2 2002

Luna Moth 2002

Aurelia's Handkerchief #2 2002

Bat 2002

Family of Spinxs 2002
Keith Carter Photographs

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